The Barkers










"God has given us no greater blessing than that of belonging to a loving and loyal family- and it will be so always and forever"

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Well I have finally found some time to sit and write a little about the Family.........  we are still alive. The Family is doing great! We are still on track for the Temple with a few set backs here and there but if it will lead me at last to a Loving Father in Heaven well then it will have all been worth it. I look forward to the Temple I have this desire with in my heart which is truly difficult to explain and the ONLY way to explain it is a smile. Wayland is a convert to the church and I could not be more pleased to see him grow and watch his testimony grow! He has come SOOOOOOO far since we were first married and I am excited to spend the rest of eternity watching him continue to grow as stated before we have hit a few set backs and Wayland is continuing to work on a few last minute things and then we are set to go. With that said I have some much needed studying and refreshing to do myself so Wayland I am there with you and we will continue to put our shoulder to the wheel and we will make it! I love you so much and could not imagine doing this alone. I have had the oppurtunity to get closer to my Father in Heaven during this experience and it has truly been a wonderful experience! I know that there is NOTHING that could compare to the Spirit of the Lord and the wonderful comfort and peace he brings during trials and adversity! I know with all my heart that the Lord will build you up and make you stronger during times of adversity if we will just endure and have faith. I also know that as we strive to live the commandments he will enlighten our minds and soften our hearts. I am truly grateful to have a knowledge of the gospel and feel so blessed to have a living Prophet to guide us in these last days. My heart is truly full so if jabber on I apologize. I look at my 5 beautiful children and I cannot imagine a life without them. Shaylee, she is 11 years old now and she loves to go to activity days with the Primary. Shay is such a great help around the house and she is always offering to do something before I get the chance to ask, she loves to take care of Dylan....well all the girls love too! the little guy is set with 5 women pampering him! I often wonder if this will help him be a great Husband as he will already understand what each look on a womens face stands for? Shay is such a sweet heart and I am so proud of her! Mikayla, She is so free spirited I love it! I watch her and she is not afraid to stand up for what is right no matter what the ramifications may be and she is always confident with her choice. Mikayla has such a beautiful singing voice and she has such a love for music. She has such a little voice but a huge Tesimony and Spirit. Kiera......where do I begin? The girl makes me LAUGH! She is so full of giggles all the time which can be quite frustrating when you attempt to disipline but instead find yourself walking away so she does not see you laugh. Kiera always gives you that cheesy smile and a quick witted remark no matter what the situation, the other day I said " Kiera, you are so beautiful" and her reply...."I know this!" Kiera reminds me to laugh at bad situations and to have a positive attitude. Aspynn, well it will be July and she is skipping down the grocery store isle singing to the top of her lungs "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer" She is such a positive little thing! Aspynn is always grateful and she always lets me know how beautiful someone or something is! Aspynn has such a love for our Lord and her Grandma Miller. Last but not BEAUTIFUL Son Dylan! he is now 15 pounds by the way already eating me out of house and home! Dylan is truly a perfect baby when I was pregnant with him I was put on bed rest due to risk of premature labor at 20 weeks which was tough being confined in a house during the summer but I now understand whole pregnancy with him I felt something was not right I had a couple Priesthood blessings which made the experience so much easier! I made it to 39 weeks and I was scheduled for induction. My Dr is truly an inspired man and I could not have had a better person caring for me during the pregnancy. The day before I was scheduled to have him I had a feeling of dread come over me like something was NOT at all right. I prayed and I felt urged to get a Priesthood blessing well I had the blessing and felt quite a bit better. I went in the next morning at 7am and was in full labor by 10am. Now I thought I would try to feel tough and go without meds.....would never suggest this! anyways, while in active labor my Husband and I noticed that Dylans heart rate was dropping significantly during each contraction the Nurse seemed a little concerned and I informed her that I was ready for the epidural. Thank heavens! I had the epidural as it is believed that it helped me deliver him quick. When Dylan was delivered, my Doctor looked at me and said "you are blessed! as your son should not be alive" I had a condition known as Velamentous cord insertion where the cord is not attached properly and the baby typically bleeds to death during labor and delivery. Needless to say I am so happy I listened to the still small voice as I believe that is what saved him. I am so grateful to have been born to a valiant Mother who loves Heavenly Father and has such a beautiful testimony! I am so grateful to have had the Oppurtunity to be blessed with such wonderful Grandparents and I am so blessed to have had the wonderful aunt and uncles I did who were there to help when we needed it most! I love my family dearly:)

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